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Chris Ownbey’s Golf fitness In Dallas Tx Testimonials from clients

Expert, Golf Fitness, Flexibility and Strength Training for Men 50+     Pain Free. Motivational Speaker & Writer. Chris Ownbey is more than a Sport Specific Trainer. Chris is also a cutting-edge Certified Golf Fitness and weight loss Specialist who is far ahead of the industry with his Golf Fitness Program. In essence, Chris Ownbey’s…

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Golf is a Sport, Prepare for it

Most dedicated athletes stay in top physical condition the year-round.  Professional golfers on all tours have jumped on the “physical fitness bandwagon” ever since Tiger Woods burst on the scene. At professional tournaments, there are an average of (?) physical fitness trailers available for golfers before and after each round. Gary Player was the first…

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Tiger Wood’s Workout Secret revealed

The truth is…….His conditioning program has three important things: He has a Plan of action He is consistent He Takes ACTION For many golfers, the off- season golf months are a time to put their clubs in the garage until spring emerges the following year. When spring time arrives. They gained a couple of pounds, lost…

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How to fix the #1 problem in most golf swings……… Check out TODAY’S video to find out what I consider to be the #1 problem in most amateur golf swings. Of course, I’ll tell you how to fix the issue and, at the end of the video, I’ve included a drill to correct it. You will learn…

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How many times have you started a new golf season with very high scores, short drives and aches and pains? Am I talking to you? Let’s be honest: It happens more times than you’d like. If you are like most of us, you tend to spend the winters being sedentary.  Do yourself a favor. As…

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Golf fitness-Is your body strong in the right areas for golf?

Chris Ownbey’s Golf fitness is taking on new clients for “Winterize your golf game”  ” Winterize Your golf game”  Age group: Men 40 to 75 Private Sessions only One of the things my students like best about the “Winterize your golf game” is that it is fast ( in and out in 30 minutes) joint -friendly  and  results guaranteed  -FAST- …

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At 80, Hear Gary Player’s secret to feeling 40

Gary Player is 80 and credits fitness for him to feel 40 When Player, who celebrates his 80th birthday Sunday, turned professional more than 50 years ago, the idea of exercising and lifting weights in golf was largely confined to the 12-ounce curls that were a part of the post-round experience. Dumbbells were for dummies,…

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Todd Spence the New Brookhaven Senior Club champ

CONGRATULATIONS To client TODD SPENCE!! Before you watch the video below. Click on Click HERE to hear a word from Todd about Chris Ownbey’ Golf Fitness The results are in!  … Chris Ownbey’s Golf Fitness would like to congratulate client Todd Spence on winning the Brookhaven Senior Club championship. This victory validates Todd’s work on…