Golf fitness training for the player 55 and over
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Golf fitness training for the player 55 and over

Golf fitness for the 55+ player I regularly prepare golf fitness program the 55+ player. senior individuals of age 55 or above, who often grumble about lost distance and rising handicaps, being a Golf Fitness Specialist. People of this age think that if that if they gain a few yards, they will get back the…

Winterize your golf game with golf fitness
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Winterize your golf game with golf fitness

Golf fitness 6 month program As a golf fitness and performance coach, my ultimate goal is to improve your golf game using my many years of experience in golf fitness. I do a complete golf fitness assessment. My job is to assess your body, and to identify the one or two segments that are costing…

Golf Fitness Dallas Tx Winterize your golf game
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Golf Fitness Dallas Tx Winterize your golf game

A Key Factor in Maximizing Your Game Testimonials to golf fitness are seen all over the television. It’s talked about on the practice tee and in the clubhouses. Why is there so much talk about golf fitness? Is it really that important? Do you want to know what’s keeping you from playing your best golf? …

How to fix a slice in golf with Golf Fitness
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How to fix a slice in golf with Golf Fitness

How to fix a slice in golf with Chris Ownbey’s Golf Fitness The focus on the dreaded SLICE is and will always be the mainstay of golf magazine tips. Why? 80% of all amateurs have it, and top pros still get it every once in awhile. To sum it up, most golfers will remain frustrated…

Can you use better balance?
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Can you use better balance?

GOLF FITNESS DALLAS TX  Just as you cannot expect to fire a cannon from a canoe with any accuracy, you cannot expect to express the strength and power necessary for a long drive, medium iron shot, shot from the rough or chip shot with any accuracy if your body is out of balance. One of…

Golf fitness – Do not become a Statistic
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Golf fitness – Do not become a Statistic

Make 2017 The New Year, The New You Golf fitness and weight loss aren’t usually discussed together, let’s change that. Current statistics, from The Department for Disease Control and Prevention, reveal that 64 percent of the adult population falls within some definition of obesity, from simple overweight to morbid obesity. This means less than half…

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GOLF FITNESS FOR A BETTER GAME IN THE SPRING How many times have you started a new golf season with very high scores, short drives and aches and pains? Am I talking to you? Let’s be honest: It happens more times than you’d like. If you are like most of us, you tend to spend…

Golf fitness workout for the week
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Golf fitness workout for the week

Golf fitness workout, golf fitness with chris ownbey, golf fitness dallas tx, golf stretches Chris Ownbey is known as “Trainer to the Golfers”.With over 20 years in the golf & fitness industry, Chris is one of the most recognized golf fitness instructors in the Dallas area. Certified through the Titleist Performance Institute (TPI). Director of…