Golf fitness stretches to gain flexibility for your club championship
In this book, I will take you step by step on how to practice, and prepare mentally, physically, nutritionally, and most importantly how to prepare the last 7 days before you play.
My name is Chris Ownbey,
I have been coaching professional athletes for over 20 years. Out of all the sports I have coached, golf wins the award of having the biggest disparity between what occurs when someone practices, when they play and the week before tournament play.
You’re an athlete, so on the range you can correct a miss hit after about 5 swings. But on the course, one ball, one shot and that’s it.
So the gap between range play, weekend play and big event or tournament play is often as big as the Grand Canyon.
Because of this, I feel is that it is crucial to understand how to narrow that gap between practice and play, and most importantly not to “try to find it” the last week before a big game, member guest, or your club championship.
CHAPTER 6 TODAY IS THE DAY- Pre Round Stretching Routine
It’s important for a player’s game to peak at the right time. Trying to overhaul or make a big swing changes to your golf game before a tournament is not a good idea. The last week before the big event is about visualization, motivation, nutrition, hydration and plenty of rest. My goal is to have my students building confidence that will spill over into the tournament atmosphere. There are a few key areas for a player to be focused on.
Preparation for a competitive round starts weeks before the tournament by eating right, getting rest, drinking plenty of water and nightly envisioning of the course play shot for shot, hole by hole and putt by putt.
This visualization is needed for the subconscious mind take over and already shot the winning score. Holding the trophy, feeling the excitement of being the club champ for the next year. And most importantly, having the front parking spot with your name on it.
Golf fitness stretches to gain flexibility for your club championship
There are two main types of practice you can perform. One is called ‘block’ practice and
the other is called ‘random’ practice. They both can be beneficial, depending on what you are trying to achieve.
This is probably the most common form of practice you see. Go to your local range and you will see people on the tee line beating balls, shot after shot with the same club to the same target.
I wouldn’t normally consider this ‘quality practice’ as such, it can serve us a purpose. Although, I would almost put that in the category of ‘non-practice’, or a warm up, as you are not being conscious or present through the process.
True Block practice is repeating the same skill over and over; whether that is trying to ingrain your current swing, or making changes to it through heightened awareness and intention. The act of repeating something makes physical changes; our brains start to wire new neurons together (in a new movement pattern), those neurons then start to wire together more solidly, and they get wrapped in an insulating substance called myelin – which makes it more and more likely to happen. Repeating something makes it more likely to be repeated. Our bodies become more flexible for that specific movement,
and specific strength changes occur in the muscles in order for that movement
to become more dominant and easier to perform – this is why it is so difficult
to change our swings after we have had them so many years, but this idea can be to our advantage when we are trying to ingrain a new, better technique.
The disadvantage to block practice. It tends to neglect the preparation and
access of the movement. For this reason, and the above reasons, we tend to see
a performance which raises very quickly during the session, but then drops down
close to baseline again after the resting period. In other words, we feel like
we are learning a lot during the session, but the next day most of it is gone. We do retain some of the information, but retention of skill tends to be lower.
Random practice is not practicing at 4am with a balloon attached to your hat. It is
simply practicing by changing the shot every time. For a beginner, this could
be as simple as using the same club but changing targets. For a better player,
this could be changing club, target and shot shape whilst going through a full
on-course routine before each hit.
Random practice means using different clubs and hitting different shots, just not all
at the same time Most players avoid this type of practice because it requires more discipline,
pre-shot preparation and it is a massive amount more difficult than block
But, you should be practicing this way more often exactly BECAUSE of
those reasons.
Random practice is more course realistic (how often do
you stand on the course and hit 30 7 irons in a row?), so the chance of your
newly found skills transferring to the course is much greater.
Also, random practice is about preparation. It’s about developing the brain’s ability to
recall the motor pattern. Think of it like a file on a computer.
Block practice may have created the file, but random practice is going to allow
you to find the file quicker. The more you perform random practice, the quicker
and more efficient you become at being able to find that file/motor program. For
this reason, people who practice in a random fashion tend to see their performance
level stay low during the session (due to its difficulty level), but the next
day they find an improvement in performance. Like so;
So which do you want to focus more on – Block practice: Practice who gets great results during the session
but can’t hit it on the course and loses the things they learned the very next day?
Or the Random practice, who may not hit it great on the range, but they
perform better on the course and their learning over time improves more
rapidly? I think it’s a no-brainer really.
RANDOM Practice has its advantages:
Improved confidence through instant results
Movement memory improvements (neurological and physical)
You can get a lot of experience in a short amount of time
As an important note –
both methods of practice can be beneficial, but I tend to promote random
practice more as you prepare for your club competition.
Random practice takes, well, practice and patience. Here are some tips :
- Full swing (15:00)
Vary as many things as you can from ball to ball, including club selection, target, shot shape, etc. Even if you don’t execute the shot, move on to the next club in the scenario.
- Around The Green (15:00)
Avoid practicing from ideal conditions, and alternate among chips, pitches and bunker shots. Set up unusual lies to keep your brain in problem-solving mode. If you don’t have to think about how to play the shot, change it up.
- Putting (15:00)
Practice with only one ball, trying to lag it close each time. Once you make it. Pick out another target and putt to it, walk up, go through your routine and putt it in. Repeat the process for 9 holes.
Instead of hitting ball after ball without thought, try random practice.
Put yourself in tournament situation during practice by playing the round while you are practicing.
Play hole #1 a 427 Par 4
Determine if you will hit driver or will 3 wood leave you in a better position.
After the first shot goes straight down the middle.
Determine your distance. Your 147 out from the pin.
You have 130 from front, 147 to hole,155 to back. Change to club for this shot.
Go through your routine each time, play the hole like you will on the course.
Quick Tips:
- Prepare your body, mind and game weeks before the event
- Use random vs. block practice on the range
- Go through your routine each and every time try 20 balls in 20 minutes
Visualization Techniques for Athletes
From my years of bodybuilding, to mixed martial arts to golf. The one thing I have always relied on was visualization.
I would visualize techniques as part of training and competition. There are many stories of athletes who’ve used these techniques to cultivate not only a competitive edge, but also to create renewed mental awareness, a heightened sense of well-being and confidence. All of these factors have been shown to contribute to an athlete’s sports success.
Visualization has also been called guided imagery, mental rehearsal, mediation, and a variety of other things — no matter the term, the basic techniques and concepts are the same.
Generally speaking, visualization is the process of creating a mental image or intention of what you want to happen or feel.
Research is finding that both physical and psychological reactions in certain situations can be improved with visualization. Such repeated imagery can build both experience and confidence in an athlete’s ability to perform certain skills under pressure, or in a variety of possible situations. The most effective visualization techniques result in a very vivid sport experience in which the athlete has complete control over a successful performance and a belief in this new ‘self.’
Tip #1
I suggest to my clients to start visualizing the tournament a week before. Going from tee 1 to 18.
See yourself on hole #1 with driver in hand. Feeling the wind on your face, hearing the birds chirping the back ground, see yourself going through your pre shot routine. Step in and drive ball to exact spot imagined. Now, see yourself walking to your ball, deciding which club to use, going through your routine, hitting the ball on the green. Walking to the green, watching your putt go in. You feel the feeling of confidence, but you stay in the present.
Couple of suggestions:
How to Visualize to Achieve Your Goals FASTER!
Colin Hiles
The Importance of the Practice Round:
The goal of a practice round is to be comfortable on the course, so do everything you can to get comfortable. Spend time getting used to chipping off the turf, feeling the sand and putting in all directions. Practice rounds are not for finding your swing through repetition and drills.
When you get on the green and putt. Take a minute and look back at the fairway from the green. The tee box was set up for your to see X, but now looking back, you see going further right would leave you in a better position.
Stay with your routine:
The last week before the round.
Use the 20 balls in 20 minutes method. Instead of block practice ( hitting ball after ball) switch to more random practice. How do you narrow the gap between practice and play. Play the course you will be playing on the range. From hole 1 to 18. Go through your routine each time. Visualize the shot. You have a 427 par 4. See your drive go straight down the middle 280 yards. You have a 144 to the pin and 128 to the front. Which club are you going to hit, will hitting to the front of the green and the ball beneath the hole take out the increase your percentages of a birdie or par.
Use the same routines, warm up for the same amount of time and practice the same shots you plan to use during the tournament.
Chapter 4
On and Off Course Nutrition and Hydration
Don’t crash and burn on the turn?
Golf fitness stretches to gain flexibility for your club championship
Nutrition and hydration is one of the least addressed issues on the golf course. A body without proper nutrition is like a car without fuel. It just won’t go very far. Any serious golfer has to start thinking about that. Golf nutrition is still a relatively new concept. However, everybody knows that leading athletes in the NBA and NFL quite often have special diets and specific nutrition programs to help them perform at their peak. Golf demands a lot both physically and mentally. Ever wonder why you lose concentration and energy on the back nine?
Eating the correct foods at the correct times keep you on a positive insulin balance, build an active, limber, strong and resilient body, and a sharp mind. Proper hydration increases focus, concentration and mental alertness. By being aware of what you eat and drink, you can enhance your performance by supplying your body with the right nutrition on or off the course.
Proper Hydration
Drink plenty of liquids. Dehydration causes energy loss, lack of focus and concentration and fatigue later in the round. Muscles work better if they are hydrated. You lose distance if you aren’t hydrated. (Hydration with water begins 48 hrs before the event)
My personal favorites:
- H2o with lemon
- Coconut h2o with lemon
- Power aid
*** Keep away from juices loaded with sugar***
You have heard it a million times, put the proper fuel in your body before you leave home.
Most golfers don’t give it a second thought. They either don’t eat at all before they leave home, or they eat something that is not going to give them the long term energy they’re hoping for. So whether it’s lunch or breakfast before you leave to play golf, you need to consume a complex carbohydrate and a good protein source.
Complex carbohydrates are anything you can pop a top, or open a bag, like breads and pastas, potatoes, oatmeal. They are very quick, very accessible and very easy to prepare.
Protein is anything you have to bake, broil or fry.. Chicken, eggs, fish, steak, shrimp, and turkey take time to prepare.
An example for breakfast would be a bowl of oatmeal and a couple of eggs (one whole egg and 3 egg whites) with a piece of fruit or juice. For lunch, a turkey sandwich on whole wheat, with water and lemon.
Eat every 4 to 5 holes, Try eating at holes 5-9-13-17
Hole #5 ½ of a protein bar (watch the sugar content) try to stay under 10 grams per bar suggestion: (Kind Bars)
Hole #9 ½ Chicken sandwich or peanut butter sandwhich
Hole #13 ½ of protein bar
Hole #17 ½ Chicken sandwhich or peanut butter sandwhich
Quick Tip:
The goal is to stay on a positive insulin balance so you finish strong
Workout or Take a Break The Last Week?
A more complex (and better) question would be, “How do I alter my training to maximize my ability to perform at my best in the last week leading up to the event?”
Yes, you can still lift, in fact I recommend you stay with your normal training days. But you want to use lighter weights, focus on your core and balance work. Work on your golf movement patterns, focus on rotational movements and stretching.
Here are some KEY pointers on how to alter your training to be at your best so when you step into the tee box you’re at your physical peak.
Quick Tip #1
lighter weights. You goal is to fire the muscle vs. fatigue the muscle. Focus on rotational movements, core, and balance exercises.
Quick Tip #2
Stay out of dry saunas, whirlpools. These are good for certain times of recovery. But before a round this will dehydrate your muscles and cause physical fatigue during the round.
Chapter 6
Today is the Day
Golf fitness stretches to gain flexibility for your club championship
Do you know of any sport where the athletes do not warm up before playing? Baseball players stretch and then take batting and infield practice. Basketball players stretch, then do lay ups followed by a shoot around. Ski racers stretch, then ski a few runs, then walk the course and then stretch again before the race. What do all these sports have in common? Stretching! Golf is a sport, and we are athletes too, but most golfers do the opposite, they hit balls to warm up, when we all know we should warm up before hit balls….
Golf stretching exercises, performed consistently and properly will increase your range of motion, your power and lubricate your joints, activate your CNS and sharpen your senses, ultimately… it will improve your game!
However there are different types of golf stretching exercises and which one you perform, and when, makes a significant difference…
By now most people have heard of the two types of stretching: Static stretching and Dynamic stretching. But the question is which is which one is the best to do before we play around of golf? And why?
Static stretching – (where you hold the stretch, breath and release) is great for increasing your flexibility. But more and more research is showing that static stretching before a sport that involves powerful movements (such as the golf swing) can negatively affect performance. When we perform static stretching the muscles are lengthened, the brain is not able to understand this change, so when we try to hit the golf ball after static stretching the brain will not notice the stored information as a trunk rotational, golf swing.
Simply put, this type of stretching reduces how powerfully you can contract your muscles and so potentially, how far you can hit the ball.
The second type of stretching is called Dynamic stretching. Dynamic stretching is when you stretch the targeted muscles without stopping, moving in and out of the stretch position until you loosen up getting your body ready for movement. This continuous movement allows the brain to monitor the changing length of the muscles to recognize arms, shoulders, turn follow through.
Time your routine so that at its completion, you can stroll to the first tee just in time for your group’s assigned time. You never want to stand around for more than a few minutes after warmup. If there is a delay, stand to the side of the tee and make slow swings and stretch to stay loose.
Remember, your warmup routine sets the tempo for the day, so move slowly, breath and relax. I recommend that you arrive a minimum of one hour before your tee time.
This portion of your warmup should take approximately 10 minutes.
1.Arrive one hour before the event
- Arrive one hour before the event
- Your balance is better in the afternoon, so it’s a good idea to perform your pre round stretching routine to gain balance and proprieoception.
- Putt, chip,Irons – PLAY
Chris Ownbey
Golf fitness stretches to gain flexibility for your club championship
Coaching has always been Chris Ownbey’s passion.
His history includes success as a bodybuilder, a mixed martial arts competitor and a state powerlifting champion. Chris’s success as a certified golf and fitness trainer comes from his big heart and desire to help and empower others on and off the course.
His techniques are honed from years of experience and have proven effective with client after client.
Chris holds certifications through:
National Academy of Sports Medicine
National Exercise and Sports Trainers Association
Titleist Performance Institute, Levels 1&2.
Public Appearances:
He has appeared on ESPN Radio and Good Morning Texas Special golf addition.
He has spoken at the North Texas Golf Expo
PGA of America
Chris has contributed writer to:
Avid Golfer
Golfer’s MD
Titleist Performance Institute
DFW Links
Burb Living Today
Author and producer of the
- The Golf Fitness Caddie
- Golf Fit over 50
- “Yes, you can regain your flexibility after 50”
- How to Peak For Your Club championship
- The 3 Inch Swing
- Online Golf fitness program “The Ultimate golf fitness series”
Chris Ownbey can reached
OR simply fill out the quick questionnaire. And we will get back to you in 5 minutes.
Golf fitness stretches to gain flexibility for your club championship
Chis has helped enormously with my recovery he defined an exercise routine that I can use to increase strength, stamina and flexibility to overcome my physical limitations. Chris took a very detailed analysis of my personal goals and needs and found a solution that is really working. I would recommend Chris to anyone. No wonder he is in such high demand. You just don’t normally see the level of understanding Chris exhibits. He truly understands the causes and effects related to nutrition and muscle activity.
Don Lokke
I have been seeing Chris every week for over four years and my health has never been better. I have learned a lot along the way and it’s been great fun as well. Chris is a unique combination of energy, enthusiasm and knowledge. I would recommend Chris to anyone interested in their health and playing good golf!
Dave Scullin
My back bothered me for two years and limited my golf play considerably, needing to suspend golf for weeks at a time. I tried both medical doctors and chiropractors with no success.
In our first session, Chris Ownbey found the cause of the problem and provided exercises to strengthen the muscles.
In addition, my swing is now more consistent based on his fundamental concepts.
Chris thanks, Jim Johnson
“Working with Chris has really helped improve my golf performance!
My distance is back.
My core strength, balance, flexibility and energy have never been better.
If your looking for a certified golf fitness coach who cares and who can help you get results, then
Chris is your go to guy.”
-Dave Scullen
“Significant improvement, not only with back pain ( the reason I began working with Chris to begin with), but strength, flexibility and allot more energy. I wish I knew about Chris in my 30’s instead of my 60’s!”
“Chris Ownbey is the best golf fitness trainer i have ever had. period!
I’m fifty! I’m fit! I highly recommend his golf fitness program.”
Dr. Ron Blair
“With Chris’s help. I won my club championship.”
Todd Spence
I have increased my flexibility dramatically with Chris Ownbey’s Golf Fitness Program”
Dr. Tom Stephens
“I have more energy,I just feel better”
Ernie Massie
“I would not go to general fitness trainer ever again.
Chris understands how to train the muscles needed to make a consistent golf swing.
I highly recommend this golf fitness program?
Dr. Thomas Stephens
“Chris has helped me with my fitness training and weight training for about eight months now. Not onlyhave I increased my strength, size, and speed, but my flexibility has increased immensely. Flexibility is such an important aspect of the golf swing and trying to instill that in all of my students has always been a struggle. After sending many of my students to train with Chris he has improved both their health and fitness levels. Many of them now realize how beneficial flexibility can be to their golf swing. Chris has not only been a help to me personally, he has been an incredible asset to me professionally. I would recommend his programs to anyone.”
Mark Maness
Worldwide Director
of Training Nicklaus Academies
Supplier Marketing Manager at TTI Inc
I have been working with Chris over the past 6 months and I have to say that his approach is unique, compelling and effective. I have more range in all parts of my golf game and am actually hitting the ball further and straighter than I did in my 20’s. You get out what you put in and the more you listen, learn and apply the better it gets. I came to Chris by a chance referral at my club fitter, but now couldn’t think of a better investment in my golfer and personal future. Thanks Chris and I am looking forward to a fit and healthy year.
For years, I did not know why I was raising up during my backswing.
During my meeting with Chris, after a series of tests we determined it was an old football injury that I had
in the past. The injury had in occurred to my left shoulder. Over time, I had a lost some range of motion,
which inhibited my ability to make a proper backswing.
With each golf lesson, they would tell me to keep my head from moving up and down, After working with
Chris I realize I was not able to stay down because of the tightness in my upper back and the tightness in
my left shoulder.
Chris developed a program that targeted my trouble areas. Now with the increased range of motion in
both my shoulder and back area. I am able to get a much wider shoulder turn, my driver and irons are
more consistent and now I get more out of my professional Golf lessons.
Dr. Rand Mcurak
Your attention should be on your Intention
We achieve what we plan to achieve, no more, no less.
Golf and life seem to go hand in hand. If you want to get somewhere you have to know where you want to go and how to get there. You need a plan.
Your step–by–step plan of action convinces your subconscious that your desire your dream, your wishful thinking has become an intention. You intend to accomplish this goal, and create this situation in your life. The proof of your intention is your step-by-step plan.
What is your plan for the next year?
Be very specific with Dates:
6 month
Which areas are you going to improve on this year?
Ex.100 yards In, fitness, increase flexibility
Low round of the year and by when?
Tournaments won?
Quick reminders:
- Limit ose’ intake (sugar)
- Eat a palm full of protein and palm full of carbohydrates 3 to 4x a day
- Last meal of day stick with protein and fibrous carbohydrates
- Make good, better and best choices with each meal.
- Keep your insulin stable throughout the day
- For weight loss stay with 30 minutes aerobic cardio 4x a week or burst training 3days a week.
- Workouts specific for golfers 4X A WEEK
- Focus on core, rotational strength, recreating proper movement patterns. Work with Chris 2x a week on your own 2x a week
Quote TO live by:
You have to passionately want to improve your current situation. You have to take action, adopt precise measures, and change your attitude. This has to become a fixed objective. This overriding desire is mandatory to create the life you want. Determination and will are all the strength you need.
SEE ALSO: Muhammad Ali – Keep Working It!