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Chris ownbey with Chris Ownbey’s Golf fitness has been rated the Go To golf fitness expert by his peers.

Chris ownbey with Chris Ownbey’s Golf fitness has been rated the Go To golf fitness expert by his peers

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Chris Ownbey’s Golf Exercise program

Chris Ownbey’s Golf Exercise program From The Desk of Certified Golf Fitness Expert Chris Ownbey Dear Fellow Golfer, You’re constantly trying to “get to the next level” when trying to increase flexibility, improve core strength, better balance, play pain free golf . But no matter what you do, you constantly get stuck. I’d be willing…

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Golf fitness Physical screening – Unlocking your body’s potential

Test It! don’t guess! Golf fitness Physical screening – Unlocking your body’s potential Most people that play golf want to improve their game and many agree that a good way to do this is to improve the body. Whether you just need a little more flexibility, more core strength, or better balance, improving your body…

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Quick Tip on How To Stop Early Extension on the downswing

Quick Tip on how to stop Early Extension on the downswing Golfers striving to improve their scores must focus on fundamentals for success. The single most important and most overlooked swing fundamental that could be the couse of you losing power, distance and accuracy is a swing fault known as Thrusting or today’s term -Early…

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TPI Golf Fitness Physical screening

TPI Golf Fitness Physical Screening Physical screening – Unlocking your body’s potential Test It! don’t guess! Most people that play golf want to improve their game and many agree that a good way to do this is to improve the body. Whether you just need a little more flexibility, more core strength, or better balance,…

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A quick stretch to relieve back pain

A quick stretch to relieve back pain OH MY ACHING BACK!!!!   Are you an individual who is suffering from lower back injury? Is your lower back stiff and sore when you get out of bed in the morning? Probably everyone reading this article has experienced a lower back problem at some time or another…