Chris ownbey with Chris Ownbey’s Golf fitness has been rated the Go To golf fitness expert by his peers.
Chris ownbey with Chris Ownbey’s Golf fitness has been rated the Go To golf fitness expert by his peers
Chris ownbey with Chris Ownbey’s Golf fitness has been rated the Go To golf fitness expert by his peers
Author information 1 Department of Anatomy Histology and Forensic Medicine, University of Florence, Florence, Italy. Abstract Sarcopenia is the physiological age-related decline in muscle mass and strength. It is the main cause of muscle weakness and reduced locomotory ability and its adverse effects contribute to a reduction in physical function and performance with decreased…
Gary Player is 80 and credits fitness for him to feel 40 When Player, who celebrates his 80th birthday Sunday, turned professional more than 50 years ago, the idea of exercising and lifting weights in golf was largely confined to the 12-ounce curls that were a part of the post-round experience. Dumbbells were for dummies,…
More Flexibility, A Stronger Core, Greater Distance, Improved Consistency, and Better Fitness Levels are One Step Away! GOLF FITNESS DVD Chris Ownbey’s Golf fitness DVD “The Ultimate Golf fitness Series” had been written to present you with numerous concise golf fitness stretches and exercises that will help improve the mobility, stability, balance, strength, and power…
What we can learn from Jordan Spieth is a good pre round stretching routine.
BIGGER TURN = LONGER DRIVES The inability to make a full backswing could be do to lack of upper thoracic mobility or we have the incorrect joint locked in the golf swing at address. Take this quick test: Try this quick tip improve your shoulder turn and your game: How can you develop the most…