Dalton McCrary and Golf fitness Dallas Tx

How Dalton McCrary’s experience with Chris Ownbey’s Golf Fitness in Dallas got his game and his life back

TPI Certified Golf Fitness Trainer Chris Ownbey Located In Dallas Tx. How Dalton McCrary’s experience with Chris Ownbey’s Golf Fitness in Dallas got his game and his life back. My name is Dalton McCrary. I’m a golf instructor. I had the #1 Golf Instructional Video sold worldwide on TV. Yea I played most sports growing…

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GOLF FITNESS DALLAS TX CHRIS OWNBEY GOLF FITNESS  Recent feedback from a client who went through Chris Ownbey’s golf fitness assessment. Thank you for your kind words regarding Chris Ownbey’s golf fitness Client name: Bernard Goor Was Chris Ownbey knowledgeable of the service regarding the golf fitness assessment? Extremely well How satisfied were you with…

Youre getting older and need flexibility. Period

You’re getting older and need flexibility

You’re getting older and need flexibility. Period AS I am getting older. I’m realizing I need to work on my flexibility and mobility training every day. Golf-specific workouts are designed differently than general fitness workouts and the exercises I have clients perform will produce greater flexibility.  Here are the top five benefits: Improved Turn Increased…

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This week on Chris Ownbey’s Golf fitness, where golf & fitness meet. We discuss the importance of Power Training for men and women over 40 years of age. Take a look at the World Long Champion Canadian Jason Zuback  If you are looking to maximize function and prevent injury as we age we need to…

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Guys your not losing distance because you are getting older

Guys your not losing distance because you are getting older. You are losing speed and distance because you are losing strength/power. I would say 99.9% of the people who contact me are frustrated because they are losing clubhead speed, distance, and accuracy. They say, Chris, I’m getting older so I’m losing flexibility, I’m losing distance,…

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SARCOPENIA GOLFfitness and loss of distance and speed in life and sport

SARCOPENIA in the aging and the seasoned GOLFER WILL impact DISTANCE AND overall performance in LIFE & SPORT. Sarcopenia is a fact and reality of existence. However, it can be dealt with. Sarcopenia, which impacts both males and females, is the medical term for ‘AGEING’. It generally starts after the age of 30 and as…

Why men over 50 are turning to Chris Ownbey golf fitness in Dallas Tx

I am a certified golf and fitness instructor in Dallas tx and often referred to as the “go to guy” for men 50 and over to improve their health, body and golf game. I work with executives (50+) country clubs members who complain, that as get older, they have lost flexibility and in return loss…