Play Pain Free Golf Shoot Lower Scores in 2 weeks or less

After 10 Years Of Training & Studying
THOUSANDS Of Golfers..

I’ve Discovered A Secret to playing Pain Free Golf and  shooting 5 strokes lower in less than 2 weeks !!

… and it literally takes
only 20 minutes per day…

Hello Fellow Golfers,

If you’ve ever wished you could play pain free golf and lower your score 5,10 even 20 strocks in as little as 6 weeks

Then please, read on and join the thousands of other ‘Executives’  who now hit the ball FURTHER with more accuracy, distance and consistency without frustrating swing faults for an entire 18 holes.. (I’ll explain how in a minute).

But ONLY read on if:
1. You distance off the tee
2. You’ve lost flexibility
3. You struggle to make a FULL backswing..
4. You feel DISGUSTED walking off the 18th hole..
5. You’re tired of letting the #1 KILLER in golf steal YOUR drive.. (which I’m going to tell you about in a minute)..

You may be wondering.. How can I make these claims?

I’ve spent a LOT of time on and off the golf course. Being a golf fitness coach I witness some people have no back swing, others are struggling with their shoulder turn – and even still, I see people coming out of their shot time and time again (and not getting as many yards on their drive as a result)…

But it’s all due to ONE problem.

ONE factor which, when fixed, can add at least 10,20, even 30 yards to your drive – AND remove the aches and pains you feel during and after a simple round of golf.

So, what’s the #1 killer in playing pain free golf?

Allow me to explain,

While working with golfers everyday, I’ve noticed that one of the main causes of back and shoulder pain, lack of distance and inconsistency in most people’s drive are tight golf swing muscles.

Unfortunately, it’s due to a decline in your specific range of motion which naturally comes as a result of aging and physical decline.

Tight muscles create tension, and tension KILLS your golf swing and your back. That’s not even the bad part…

When you try even HARDER to get distance on your drive, and ‘fight through the pain’, it only gets WORSE. (that’s because your muscles only get more and more TIGHT, creating more and more TENSION).

So what did I do?

I used myself and my personal golf clients as little guinea pigs, and came up with a unique golf specific exercises and flexibility routines which I have personally PROVEN to remove tension off your lower back, and increase your power and distance, improve your swing mechanics, and eliminate aches and pain all at the same time…



  1. A FULL backswing for an entire 18 holes…
  2. A removal of ALL stiffness in all the major joints in your body (back, shoulder, knees, etc)
  3. AT LEAST 30+ yards added to your drive…

Most of my golf clients are over the age of 50. They would NEVER forgive me if they got hurt while being my guinea pigs for this  program.. but they also yearned to hit the ball farther..

So I had to make sure these (simple) stretches were easy to do, would NOT hurt you, and would STILL add at least 30+ yards to your game.

The exercises are EASY to follow, with step by step instructions on how to perform simple golf- specific exercises and stretches which I’ve tested on myself and my own clients.

I have spent the better part of 10 years developing strength and stretching programs that help golfers just like you improve their game.

In just a few minutes per day, you’ll be pain-free and feeling BETTER than you have in years! This is YOUR personal solution to a better swing, lower handicap and a POWERFUL drive.

This unique online system will awaken your golf muscles and help you REGAIN THOSE LOST YARDS


         Hear What our Clients Have to Say!

“My objective to purchase the Ultimate Golf Fitness Series was to improve my physical fitness without ruining my golf game. What I’ve accomplished during the last nine months has far exceeded my expectations.

The golf specific workouts helped me make a tremendous difference in my level of fitness and has lifted my golf game to a higher level. I’m hitting the ball longer and have more stamina for practice and playing. Chris is extremely knowledge able about the key fitness areas of strength, flexibility, core and balance, and how they relate to the golf swing. This gives me confidence that the work I’m doing is improving my golf game as well as my general fitness. Each video session different and fun so I don’t get bored doing the same things over and over.”

Chick Schoen 3 handicap

Hi Chris! Hope all is well with you. My makeover has been amazing.

Lean, strong, more energy! Back to where I wanted to be. Golf game improving steadily also. Can’t thank you enough for getting me back on track. The Ultimate golf fitness series is the best investment of time and money I’ve made in a long time.

Tim Lyons

Hagger clothing

Pres of sales

RESULTS – That is what I experienced working with Ultimate Golf Fitness by Chris Ownbey.

I am a 66 year old man who had a 31 inch waist when I married my wife over 35 years ago.  I kept myself in reasonable shape but when I started working with the Ultimate golf fitness Series my size 34 pants were getting snug and I my mobility had deteriorated to the point that putting on my socks became somewhat of a problem.  My belly fat was interfering with my life and I decided to do something about it.

I am now wearing size 32 jeans.  The last time this had happened I was in my forty’s and was training to run 10-K races.  Nine pounds of ugly belly fat has disappeared.  Chris is an avid golfer who understands the golf swing and what muscles need to be strengthened and have flexibility to execute a proper golf swing.  More importantly, he explains the elements in the videos that create a good swing and explains the specific exercises and training aids will help you hit the ball longer, straighter and more consistently.

I am thrilled with my new younger, stronger and more flexible body (as is my wife) and would encourage anyone seeking better fitness and lower golf scores to see purchase the Ultimate Golf Fitness System by Chris Ownbey immediately.

Gary Tomas 18 handicap

Awaken your golf muscles and REGAIN THOSE LOST YARDS

Simply click pic below for Instant access.

Committed to Your Golf Fitness Success,


Chris Ownbey

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