Oh My Aching Back!!!!
Are you an individual who is suffering from lower back injury? Is your lower back stiff and sore when you get out of bed in the morning? Probably everyone reading this article has experienced a lower back problem at some time or another in their lives. Speaking from experience they are not fun, and when it comes to golf, they certainly won’t help lower your handicap or drive the ball 300 yards.
Lower back problems are arguably the single biggest problem for both the pro and the amateur. The repetitive nature of the golf swing puts an enormous amount of stress on the muscles of the lower back. While there are many muscles to mention I always promise to give you usable information without the exercise physiology lesson and all the big words. Suffice it to say the muscles we work in these exercises are called the erector spinea group.
Trunk rotation – at least the lack of it – is the most common problem for golfers who are prone to back pain. The more skilled and flexible you are, the more you can rely on your hips and trunk to rotate when you swing. A great golf shot requires hip and trunk rotation because that’s what gives power to your shots. If you don’t rotate well, your arms – and especially your back – will have to do a lot of extra work.
Most back pain is preventable and often is caused by too little exercise, over exertion, overuse, poor form, lack of flexibility, and poor posture. Smoking and obesity are also implicated.
When golfer’s think of the golf stance they don’t realize how difficult it is to maintain the proper posture over 18 holes. A poor posture puts tremendous stress and strain on the lower back. Bending at the hips, not bending forward at the lower back is the key to preventing lower back pain. Strengthening the core muscles (abdominals, obliques, lower back, gluteal muscles and hamstrings) should be part of your golf fitness program. If you don’t have a strong core you are in for big problems as well as poor performance. Flexing the knees requires strong quadriceps or front thigh muscles. If your quadriceps are weak you will fatigue more easily resulting in miss hits and shorter distance.
If your calves are too tight you will find it difficult to stay down at the ball.
How can regular exercise help?
A well-constructed exercise program will help to strengthen your back and abdominal muscles that will help to stabilize your trunk during movement. Most people don’t realize that strong abdominal muscles are just as important as strong back muscles in the prevention of back pain and the avoidance of injury.
Here IS A quick stretch you should incorporate in your golf fitness program.
Remember, during a typical round of golf, you will twist and untwist your back muscles more than 200 times. Yet, golfers can go years without any major injuries to the back. Nevertheless, a lack of stretching and conditioning can catch up with you. Here are two of the best stretches you can do at home to help avoid injuries
Unfortunately, most people don’t give a second thought about their back until it’s too late.
A professionally designed exercise program will also focus on improving your flexibility to further decrease the chance of injuring your back. If required, your program should also help you to lose excess weight so that your spine is not under increased stress. It is imperative that you undergo an assessment protocol to determine your needs, strengths and weaknesses prior to the design of your program. The great thing about an organized fitness program for golf is that it can take less than 30 minutes a day to see dramatic improvements in both your physical health and your golf game.
For more details call or text 214-457-9684 or visit
Did you know if you are getting older and losing flexibility and distance off the tee, golf instructors hope you never learn of this simple little trick.