How to prepare your body for better golf? Looking at how to prepare your body for better golf? Chris Ownbey’s Golf fitness explains how as the body ages, it loses flexibility. Loss of flexibility is the single most important physical characteristic likely to influence one’s golf swing. A tight body restricts the motion of the swing…

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5 Ways To Improve Your Performance On And Off The Course

Every time you golf, you’re hoping for a good round. But how often does the outcome match what you hoped for? Do you usually shoot the scores you had envisioned before you teed off? If you don’t, do you ever evaluate where and how you could have saved strokes and avoided those blow-up holes? I’ve…

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GOLF FITNESS FOR A BETTER GAME IN THE SPRING How many times have you started a new golf season with very high scores, short drives and aches and pains? Am I talking to you? Let’s be honest: It happens more times than you’d like. If you are like most of us, you tend to spend…

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Golf fitness workout for the week

Golf fitness workout, golf fitness with chris ownbey, golf fitness dallas tx, golf stretches Chris Ownbey is known as “Trainer to the Golfers”.With over 20 years in the golf & fitness industry, Chris is one of the most recognized golf fitness instructors in the Dallas area. Certified through the Titleist Performance Institute (TPI). Director of…

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Golf fitness stretch for a bigger shoulder turn

Golf fitness stretch for a bigger shoulder turn BIGGER TURN = LONGER DRIVES Chris Ownbey’s golf fitness in dallas Texas This weeks question comes from Ron. ” Chris, I am 62 years old, and have lost distance off the tee. My upper back is tight, and I am not able to make a complete shoulder…

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Todd Spence the New Brookhaven Senior Club champ

CONGRATULATIONS To client TODD SPENCE!! Before you watch the video below. Click on Click HERE to hear a word from Todd about Chris Ownbey’ Golf Fitness The results are in!  … Chris Ownbey’s Golf Fitness would like to congratulate client Todd Spence on winning the Brookhaven Senior Club championship. This victory validates Todd’s work on…

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Golf fitness Dallas tx needs your help with new golf fitness program

Fellow Golfers, Chris Ownbey here, your Golf Fitness Guy, and I’ve got something a little special cooked up for you today… Golf fitness Dallas tx needs your help with new golf fitness program As you know, I’m constantly working hard to provide you with the latest Golf and fitness techniques that will ultimately increase your flexibility, improve…

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How to increase your shoulder turn in golf

BIGGER TURN = LONGER DRIVES The inability to make a full backswing could be do to lack of upper thoracic mobility or we have the incorrect joint locked in the golf swing at address. Take this quick test: Try this quick tip improve your shoulder turn and your game: How can you develop the most…

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Quick Tip on How To Stop Early Extension on the downswing

Golfers striving to improve their scores must focus on fundamentals for success. The single most important and most overlooked swing fundamental that could be the couse of you losing power, distance and accuracy is a swing fault known as Thrusting or today’s term -Early Extension. Is there a relationship between an early extension and your…