Dalton McCrary and Golf fitness Dallas Tx

How Dalton McCrary’s experience with Chris Ownbey’s Golf Fitness in Dallas got his game and his life back

TPI Certified Golf Fitness Trainer Chris Ownbey Located In Dallas Tx. How Dalton McCrary’s experience with Chris Ownbey’s Golf Fitness in Dallas got his game and his life back. My name is Dalton McCrary. I’m a golf instructor. I had the #1 Golf Instructional Video sold worldwide on TV. Yea I played most sports growing…

chris ownbey 30 minute fitness and golf performance 30 minute fitness program
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COVID 19 UPDATE – Fitness Gyms Are Not Safe Here is Why

COVID 19 UPDATE – Fitness Gyms Are Not Safe The Virus Is Less Likely to Spread with 1 on 1 Private Fitness sessions 1 on 1 Personal Training Sessions Are Safer Than the Gym, Bootcamps, and Group classes for 2 reasons: Cleanliness of the environment- the fact is, large gyms and group fitness classes are…


How to prepare your body for better golf? Looking at how to prepare your body for better golf? Chris Ownbey’s Golf fitness explains how as the body ages, it loses flexibility. Loss of flexibility is the single most important physical characteristic likely to influence one’s golf swing. A tight body restricts the motion of the swing…

Swing into Spring with golf fitness.
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Golf fitness training for the player 55 and over

Golf fitness for the 55+ player I regularly prepare golf fitness program the 55+ player. senior individuals of age 55 or above, who often grumble about lost distance and rising handicaps, being a Golf Fitness Specialist. People of this age think that if that if they gain a few yards, they will get back the…

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Can you use better balance?

GOLF FITNESS DALLAS TX  Just as you cannot expect to fire a cannon from a canoe with any accuracy, you cannot expect to express the strength and power necessary for a long drive, medium iron shot, shot from the rough or chip shot with any accuracy if your body is out of balance. One of…

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Golf fitness workout for the week

Golf fitness workout, golf fitness with chris ownbey, golf fitness dallas tx, golf stretches Chris Ownbey is known as “Trainer to the Golfers”.With over 20 years in the golf & fitness industry, Chris is one of the most recognized golf fitness instructors in the Dallas area. Certified through the Titleist Performance Institute (TPI). Director of…

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Pre Shot Routine for golf with TPI certified golf fitness expert Chris Ownbey

Pre  Shot Routine for golf with TPI certified golf fitness expert Chris Ownbey Pre Shot Routine for golf with TPI certified golf fitness expert Chris Ownbey states: “The only thing you can control on the course from tee #1 to tee #18 is your Pre-Shot Routine.” The pre shot routine is defined as “A pre-shot…

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It’s time to winterize your golf game with Chris Ownbey’s Golf fitness

5(spots available) Fellow golfer, Today we are going to talk about the GOOD  of winter for golf. It’s time to develop a plan to “winterize your golf game.” Let’s say you booked a cruise to Islands in June. And you needed to lose 15 lbs to get back in fighting shape. When would you start…

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At 80, Hear Gary Player’s secret to feeling 40

Gary Player is 80 and credits fitness for him to feel 40 When Player, who celebrates his 80th birthday Sunday, turned professional more than 50 years ago, the idea of exercising and lifting weights in golf was largely confined to the 12-ounce curls that were a part of the post-round experience. Dumbbells were for dummies,…